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We are here for you

The mission of Arizona-Sonora is to foster meaningful connections between individuals and all levels of business in the states of Arizona and Sonora, Mexico.

We do this by partnering with business and cultural representatives to provide bilingual information and promotion that is well-written, effective and cogent. And targeted to potential international clients and business partners.

We also welcome connections with government, especially as they apply to making connections with local businesses and fostering a positive business environment.

How we are unique

This effort is unique in several ways.

First, rather than only facilitating government-to-government connections, we focus on empowering individual businesses and business owners.

Second, our primary emphasis is not on major corporations. We celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship and support businesses of all sizes, including sole-proprietorship micro businesses.

We also want to include artists and artisans, performers and art venues. And locales that offer an enriching experience to visitors.

And we value the contributions of Native Americans from Arizona and Sonora, other cultural and historical groups and those who continue cultural traditions.

Because art, history, culture and locations are all critical to tourism and we will gladly promote them to connect those places and groups with travelers who would like to visit.

Third, our success is not determined by profit. For us, success comes with every handshake, every connection, every new story about an enterprise or place to visit in Arizona or Sonora.

And finally, in addition to the international border there is another barrier between Arizonans and Sonorans – language.

We present information in both languages, will translate your promotional information on this website free of charge and will offer tips for translating and communicating bilingually.

We are here for you.

And if you would like to contribute a story, get a free directory listing or participate in any other way, we welcome you.

Thanks for visiting Arizona-Sonora, we look forward to helping your international business!

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