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Un mensaje para emprendedores en Sonora y Arizona

English Nuestras vidas y negocios han cambiado dramáticamente en estos tiempos de coronavirus COVID-19. Prácticamente todos los sectores de la economía han sido suspendidos. El turismo y la hospitalidad, que incluyen hoteles, restaurantes, destinos, vendedores de...

A message for entrepreneurs in Sonora and Arizona

Español Our lives and businesses have changed dramatically in these times of COVID-19 coronavirus.  Virtually all sectors of the economy have been placed on hold. Tourism and hospitality, to include hotels, restaurants, destinations, food vendors and related...
Daily Arizona-Sonora coronavirus statistics

Daily Arizona-Sonora coronavirus statistics

Español Daily Coronavirus Statistics Documenting the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Sonora and Arizona The coronavirus pandemic is causing death and economic destruction around the world. And the virus will have a major impact on the lives and economic...

First confirmed coronavirus death in Sonora

Español The first documented COVID-19 death in Sonora was a 29-year-old woman from Magdalena de Kino who died in Nogales, Sonora. Sonoran Secretary of Health Enrique Claussen Iberri commented on Tuesday that the woman had an underlying condition of diabetes mellitus...
Alamos, Sonora a model for COVID-19 mitigation and prevention

Alamos, Sonora a model for COVID-19 mitigation and prevention

Español Municipality closes and deploys preventive measures against the virus The popular tourism destination of Alamos, Sonora has closed access to non-residents and taken widespread measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Municipal...
Sonora receives coronavirus test kits

Sonora receives coronavirus test kits

Español Preparing for COVID-19 Although there have not yet been any novel coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Sonora, the state is preparing for a potential outbreak. As a first step, Sonoran media reported last week that the state health ministry can now test for the novel...